
Call of duty world war 2 historical accuracy
Call of duty world war 2 historical accuracy

call of duty world war 2 historical accuracy call of duty world war 2 historical accuracy

military intervention.īut as jingoistic images of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan flooded the media in the early 2000s, players tired of the same Pacific beaches and French countrysides. Since creating newer games set in the Cold War and the Forever Wars, CoD has purposefully obscured the impacts of U.S.

call of duty world war 2 historical accuracy

These settings and storylines were familiar and gave players a clear objective: be the hero. In its early days, Call of Duty -or CoD as it’s known-was set in World War II, where players battled Nazi stormtroopers and Japanese imperialists. With the recent release of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, the first-person shooter video game franchise continues its frightening trend of misrepresenting the realities of U.S.

Call of duty world war 2 historical accuracy